Our library is a friendly and busy place that exists to encourage children to read, reflect, wonder, question and learn. The library supports the teaching and learning of classroom programs and aims to foster students reading skills and their love of books.
Our collections….
The library contains over 10,000 books, in addition to a range of DVDs and CD-ROMs. Our collection is constantly growing and changing in order to keep it fresh, relevant and up to date.
Our services
Weekly library classes are taken by the grade teachers. The library is open to students for the first half of lunchtime on Tuesdays for browsing and borrowing, reading, playing chess and other board games, puppet play, and drawing.
Borrowing from the library
Students may borrow up to three books for two weeks at a time. Every grade has a library crate or box into which students can return their books to at any time, or alternatively they can bring them directly to the returns box in the library. Parents are also welcome to borrow books if they wish. We have a small but growing collection of parent resources on such subjects as puberty, bullying and grief.
Every child needs a library bag to protect their books. If a book does happen to get damaged at home, please return it to the library as soon as possible and inform a teacher. We have special materials to repair damaged books. If a book is damaged beyond repair however it is school policy to ask that parents pay for a replacement copy.
Book Club
Wangaratta Primary School Parents Club run a Book Club for students through Scholastic Australia. Catalogues are sent home to parents twice a term. A percentage of all sales is returned to the school in the form of books and other resources for the library.
We love our volunteers!
Your comments and suggestions about the library are most welcome. We always appreciate parent help, whether for covering books, or for helping to run the Book Club. If interested, please leave your name and under at the office.
Library Monitors
Each year a group of Year 6 students are carefully selected to be Library Monitors for the school. These children are given many special responsibilities which include assisting in the effective running of lunchtime library activities and whole school events such as Book Week.